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Using our own high access equipment
reduces the need of scaffolding in 98% of our repairs
Practical Roof Solutions Ltd is a member of;
National Federation of Roofing Contractors
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Safe Access Testing and Maintenance Darlaston, West Midlands
Safe Access Testing and Maintenance - Mobile Guardrail Maintenance and Testing Darlaston
Practical Roofing carry out Mobile/Temporary Guardrail system testing in Darlaston.

Mobile Guardrail Maintenance and Testing by Practical Roofing

Where a mobile Guardrail Edge Protection system is going to be in situ for 12 months or more it must be inspected and re-certified at least every 12 months. Each system we install or inspect is tagged with an identification number and date of inspection which enables us and our customers to keep track of upcoming re-inspection dates easily.

Where mobile Guardrails are used on busy, high traffic sites, visual inspections should be carried out regularly to ensure the structural integrity of the system.